Harem Adventures

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Harem Adventures

Post by Norbert »

Kind of related to some of the other stuff in this thread.
The Harem Adventures mobile game has a plot where the sultan's wives have been kidnapped by the vizier to...
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Re: Interesting stuff on covers

Post by David »

Oh yeah. I downloaded quite a lot of versions of this and other PoP J2ME games from PoPUW back in the day.

Here are the texts:
Spoiler: show
The sultan's wives have been kidnapped by the vizier to carry out experiments on abstinence. The sultan's real mad! He no longer knows how to express his desires. Seven female prisoners and only you can set them free and bring them back to life!

I'll introduce you to Persia and its carnal delights!
Spoken words are mere sounds when trying to express my gratitude. A quiet kiss may be worth more.
The sultan visits me one night a week. I'm saving the other nights for a cute guy like you!
You seem pretty tense to me. Let's see what I can do to help out...
Consider my body as the living expression of your bravery.
You must be suffering bad! I'll help you get your steam back.
Free me from my bonds and my hands will know how to favor you!

You've delivered the sultan's seven wives. Congratulations! The vizier managed to escape, but there's no doubt he'll be back soon. To be continued...
Interestingly, there is a less sensual version of the texts, with daughters instead of wives.
Spoiler: show
The Sultan's daughters have been kidnapped by the evil Vizier. He threatens to kill the beautiful women if the Sultan doesn't give up his rule. Torn between love and his duty to Persia, the Sultan turns to you as his final hope.

I knew my father would send his best champion. The very fate of our kingdom now lies in your hands.
What took you so long? I hope my father isn't paying you too much.
Spoken words are mere sounds when trying to express my gratitude.
Go away! I like it here! The Vizier is cute and the cuisine is great.
Hurry! We must find the others before the Vizier can hurt them!
My savior! I thought I would remain here forever, trapped in these dark dungeons.
Prince! You've freed us all! I saw a great hero in my dreams and I hoped it would be you. Persia will forever be in your debt.

You've delivered the sultan's seven daughters. Congratulations! The Vizier managed to escape but there's no doubt he'll be back soon. To be continued.
And a slightly different version with only two daughters:
Spoiler: show
The sultan's daughters have been kidnapped by the evil vizier. He threatens to kill the beautiful womens if the sultan doesn't give up his rule. Torn between love and his duty to Persia, the sultan turns to you as his final hope.

As you advance through the vizier's dungeons, a vision appears before your eyes:
I knew my father would send his best champion. The very fate of our kingdom now lies in your hands.
I think of you each passing day, my brave warrior.
Spoken words are mere sounds when trying to express my gratitude.
Let my love guide you through these perilous ordeals and keep you alive.
My savior! I thought I would remain here forever, trapped in these dark dungeons.
Hurry! We must find my sister before the vizier can hurt her!
Prince! You've freed us! I saw a great hero in my dreams and I hoped it would be you. Persia will forever be in your debt.

You've delivered the sultan's two daughters. Congratulations! The vizier managed to escape but there's no doubt he'll be back soon. To be continued...
("womens"? Naw, really?)
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Re: Interesting stuff on covers

Post by Norbert »

David wrote:this and other PoP J2ME games
PNG and MID files of Prince of Persia: Harem Adventures (2003) attached.
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Re: Harem Adventures

Post by David »

Moved posts to a new topic.
Norbert wrote:PNG and MID files of Prince of Persia: Harem Adventures (2003) attached.
And JAR files, too!
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Re: Harem Adventures

Post by Norbert »

I've just played this version and it's a bit better than I expected.

Here's how to run this.
The following assumes you have Java installed.
(On GNU/Linux: $ sudo apt-get install default-jdk)

1. Get MicroEmulator
ZIP: https://code.google.com/archive/p/microemu/downloads
(Optionally, source: https://github.com/barteo/microemu/tree ... roemulator)

2. Get game
Obtain HA9.jar from the ZIP here.
This is the English version for Nokia phones with 176x208 pixel screens.

3. Start game in emulator
java -jar microemulator.jar
Options -> Scaled display -> x3
File -> Open MIDlet File... -> HA9.jar
Then press Enter or (single) click the new "PrinceOfPersia" entry.
Turn on speakers or use headphones if you want to hear the (pretty good) music.

4. Play
Turn on Num Lock and use the numeric keypad to play.
Note that most mobile phones have keys 1/2/3 where most keyboards have 7/8/9, which makes playing slightly awkward.
# or Enter = open menu
Space = select
0 = toggle walk/fight mode
When in fight mode: 1/2/3 blocks, 4/6 moves, 5 attacks (quick attack with 1/2/3 + 5)
When in walk mode: 4/6 turn and small step/run, 1/2/3 = jump / climb up, 8 = drink potion, climb down
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Re: Harem Adventures

Post by David »

Norbert wrote: April 28th, 2018, 11:33 am 1. Get MicroEmulator
ZIP: https://code.google.com/archive/p/microemu/downloads
I have some problems with the game's menu in that emulator: Sometimes the menu is empty, or story texts don't appear, or the screen does not get updated, and the game stops responding.
But at other times, there are no problems. Strange...

Here is the emulator (MidpX) that I used back in 2006: http://kwyshell.myweb.hinet.net/Project ... index.html
It seems to work more reliably for me.
Oh great, I just got the same problems in MidpX as in MicroEmulator...
Norbert wrote: April 28th, 2018, 11:33 am Note that most mobile phones have keys 1/2/3 where most keyboards have 7/8/9, which makes playing slightly awkward.
MidpX has an option to "flip" the numpad, and it's on by default.
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Re: Harem Adventures

Post by Norbert »

Attached are level maps, created with my upcoming level editor.
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Re: Harem Adventures

Post by Norbert »

A.class inside the .jar file says "GOD MODE" and "TELEPORT ON. * TO USE".
So, there's probably some kind of god mode to teleport.
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Re: Harem Adventures

Post by David »

Norbert wrote: May 30th, 2018, 6:16 pm A.class inside the .jar file says "GOD MODE" and "TELEPORT ON. * TO USE".
So, there's probably some kind of god mode to teleport.
Nice find!
(Note: This is in HA9.jar. Other versions have these strings in F.class, or nowhere.)

I ran through the game's files through a Java Decompiler, and this is what I found:
Spoiler: show
(Note: All identifiers are obfuscated. They are either single letters or random names taken from the standard library.)
in A.class:

Code: Select all

        if(F.l || F.Q.J)
            W = true;
                if(toString == "GOD MODE")
                toString = "GOD MODE";
            } else
                if(toString == "TELEPORT ON. * TO USE")
                toString = "TELEPORT ON. * TO USE";
        } else
in F.class:

Code: Select all

    protected final void keyPressed(int i1)
            if(i1 == indexOf[join] && getAppProperty == 1)
                if(join == indexOf.length - 1)
                    Q.J = !Q.J;
                    join = 0;
                    closeRecordStore = false;
                } else
                    flag1 = true;
            if(i1 == isAlive[length] && getAppProperty == 1)
                if(length == isAlive.length - 1)
                    l = !l;
                    length = 0;
                    closeRecordStore = false;
                } else
                    flag1 = true;
    static int indexOf[] = {
        42, 52, 54, 51
    static int isAlive[] = {
        42, 56, 51, 53
Those last lines tell (the ASCII codes of) what keys to press.
You need to pause the game with # and then type either of these cheat codes.
If you entered a correct sequence then the game will unpause itself. (Just like the SEGA Mega Drive version...)

The cheat codes are:
*463 = Displays "GOD MODE". The prince will become invincible to spikes, chompers, falls, guards... His hitpoints also disappear.
*835 = Displays "TELEPORT ON." and "TO USE". I don't know what it does. The string says "* TO USE", but the "*" key doesn't seem to do anything.
Both codes are toggles, which means you can turn them off if you type them a second time.
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Re: Harem Adventures

Post by Norbert »

David wrote: June 2nd, 2018, 1:06 pm[...], and this is what I found: [...]
Hey, nice.

Now that I've released pophale...
I'm wondering if maybe you could somehow figure out whether a hex edit could uncensor the game?
Can a class be modified to make it load the cutscene texts from the level files; the texts that pophale can edit.

Also, perhaps you or someone else knows whether my guess is correct that the value that specifies how long gates stay open in the level files is indeed roughly a twelfth of a second. ulGateTimeOpen[ulNrGates] = (iFront1501 * 12);

And, is the chomper value the start frame (what's the range)?

Finally, perhaps someone knows what are the guard values on pophale's front tiles screen that do not yet have textual explanations next to them.
(Starting the program as "pophale -d" shows the values for the existing guards.)

[Edit: I've also added http://www.princed.org/wiki/Harem_Adventures_format.]
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Re: Harem Adventures

Post by Norbert »

Merely for completeness' sake, attached all other - nine more - JAR files I could find.
Differences may be minor. I only looked at the md5sums.
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Re: Harem Adventures

Post by David »

Norbert wrote: June 2nd, 2018, 4:20 pm I'm wondering if maybe you could somehow figure out whether a hex edit could uncensor the game?
Can a class be modified to make it load the cutscene texts from the level files; the texts that pophale can edit.
The texts come from en.lng.
It might be easier to edit that file, than to change the class files to use the text from the levels.
Norbert wrote: June 2nd, 2018, 4:20 pm [Edit: I've also added http://www.princed.org/wiki/Harem_Adventures_format.]
Nice. I might look into those unknowns.

By the way, what is this error message "Cannot remove: each level must have 1+ potions." (and some other objects)?
Does the game crash if there are no potions (etc.) in the level?
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Re: Harem Adventures

Post by Norbert »

David wrote: June 3rd, 2018, 12:51 pmBy the way, what is this error message "Cannot remove: each level must have 1+ potions." (and some other objects)?
Does the game crash if there are no potions (etc.) in the level?
More or less, yes.
What happens depends on the front tile of which there are none.
See the comments in ClearLevel(), which is called if the user presses "/".
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Re: Harem Adventures

Post by Norbert »

Some many different versions of this game.

The attached image (source) is apparently from the Siemens C55 version.
I think maybe it's this one.
I also found this which seems to be for the same phone, but it looks very different in many ways (more detailed sprites, more colors).
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Re: Harem Adventures

Post by David »

Norbert wrote: August 28th, 2018, 9:43 pm Some many different versions of this game.

The attached image (source) is apparently from the Siemens C55 version.
I think maybe it's this one.
I also found this which seems to be for the same phone, but it looks very different in many ways (more detailed sprites, more colors).
Ooh, wow! I wonder if it's possible to emulate these.
These look somewhat "more PoP-like" than the version I've played before. Because of the brick walls, for example.

I have a couple of versions of PoPHA from PoPUW. See the attached file.
One of them has "SS55" in its filename. It might be one of the games from the videos, but I can't start it in MicroEmulator or MidpX.
MidpX shows this error: Unable to load class com/siemens/mp/media/PlayerListener
I guess we need some Siemens-specific emulator.
I found this: http://www.siemens-club.ru/soft-emul.php and: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/syste ... 56845.html
I haven't tried them yet.

I now tried all of these files in MidpX. Those that start are not very much different from the version I played.
Some have a slightly different level background (www.popuw.com_har28), one is in Spanish (www.popuw.com_haT610).
Some can be controlled with the arrows instead of 4 and 6 (www.popuw.com_had).
Two of them don't start in MidpX: www.popuw.com_harem103 and www.popuw.com_hass55.
Both complain about a missing Siemens-specific class.

By the way, I feel that J2ME mobile games are seriously underrepresented on various game info, download, and emulation sites.
I think PoPUW used to have a page or at least a forum topic about Harem Adventures, but now it's gone.
Moby Games shows some screenshots from a monochrome version: https://www.mobygames.com/game/prince-o ... creenshots
This one has brick walls like in the videos.
Some more info pages I found:
PoP Wikia: http://princeofpersia.wikia.com/wiki/Pr ... Adventures
HG101: http://www.hardcoregaming101.net/prince ... dventures/
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