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How-To: Changing PRINCE.EXE If Feature Not Yet In CusPop

Posted: September 24th, 2013, 12:35 am
by Norbert
This is a simple how-to that explains how to change PRINCE.EXE when a feature is not yet part of CusPop.
Features that are not yet part of CusPop are listed here.

If you want that the prince never has the sword, the instructions say you need to search for "83 7E 06 01 74 05" and replace "74" with "EB".
Here's how to do that.

1. First, download and install wxHexEditor.
(I'm using this hex editor because it's multi-platform and licensed under the GPL2.)



3. Select Find from the Edit menu:


4. Enter the text you need to search and press the Find button:


5. Replace the text you need to replace (in this example: "74" to "EB") and select Save from the File menu:



Re: How-To: Changing PRINCE.EXE If Feature Not Yet In CusPop

Posted: June 9th, 2020, 2:04 pm
by yourantumayel69
Thanks for help. I use wxHexEditor for edit PRINCE.EXE ;)