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A bit of history

Posted: March 23rd, 2004, 2:20 pm
by poirot
It was 1989 and I was 7 years old when I went to play to a friend's home. This day was different from the other days, my friend wasn't at his room, so I went upstairs and found him playing with his new computer. It was the first time I've ever seen a personal computer, and I was very curious. My friend was completely captured with the game, he didn't say hi, he was just moving this funny kid in white clothes all over the dungeons. After a while he said: "wanna play". My answer was "no, just keep playing, I'd rather watch". This day I decided to make my own game, a game like this, so I started learning programming and computer stuff.

Years later I've browsed the whole net looking for a kind of editor of this game, I had spent all my primary school drawing levels of the game in papper and I wanted to play them! Being unsuccessful with the search I've opened the levels file to see if a could edit something but, without any success.

In 2000 I've started again, but this time I knew more coding stuff, so I could edit some parts of the game. Once again I've been looking for an editor and found that there had been one! but I could only read some russian stuff I didn't understand. The only thing I've got was the name of the author of this game that was in some BBS, Alexandr Larionov. As the editor wasn't very functional I stopped looking for an editor and started princed project. I have to belive that Kirill Terebilov got the editor in a BBS and used it to come up with his own Prince of Persia version "POP4D" in 1994.