New Release of SDLPoP

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The Prince of Persia
The Prince of Persia
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New Release of SDLPoP

Post by Norbert »

2 January 2016 - SDLPoP version 1.16 has arrived! Many things have been improved and added since the previous release five months ago. SDLPoP.ini can be used to configure various options, such as the starting minutes and hitpoints, per level settings for environments (dungeon or palace), guard types and hitpoints, and so on. SDLPoP can record (start/stop in-game with Ctrl+Tab) and view/cycle through replays (Tab on title screen). SDLPoP allows level editors to place fake and invisible walls/floors. SDLPoP has improved gamepad support, can optionally use a 4:3 aspect ratio, prompts whether bug fixes and gameplay enhancements should be enabled, and so on. Read the SDLPoP.ini and doc/Readme.txt files for more information. Mirrors of the 4.9MB package are here and here. The program's forum thread is here, its GitHub page here.

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