Story retold - Harder, faster, smarter

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Story retold - Harder, faster, smarter

Post by Tolle »

Hello guys! :)

I've made my PoP mod.Brand new levels, but essence and important events from the original.I hope you will enjoy and I can't wait for your impressions :)
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Re: Story retold - Harder, faster, smarter

Post by David »

I played levels 1-7 so far.
Demo level: The kid goes right and dies.
Level 1: Some gate puzzles.
Level 2: Many big pillars and jumps (sometimes through chompers). Interesting idea with the yellow guard.
Level 3: Very long. I have to lure a skeleton onto a button, but either it kills me, or it stops too early. I could not complete this level.
Level 4: The first half has a long series of run-jumps over loose floors, with a closing gate at the end.
Above the balcony, you need a trick to get down alive.
Level 5: There are two places where the player needs to be fast (to reach a gate before it closes).
There is a big potion behind a closed gate (room 20). Is there any way to get there? There is a button next to it in room 4 but it does not do anything.
There are some loose floors above pillars. (rooms 2,20,7) Were these intended?
Level 6: Begins like the original. This level is mostly about fat guards and lots of climbing. The only good part is at the end. (4 big potions)
Level 7: Many slow-fall potions and some jumping into the nothing. I did not finish this level yet.
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Re: Story retold - Harder, faster, smarter

Post by Tolle »

I didn't touch demo level :)

Level 3: If you have trouble luring skeleton onto the button conventional way, I think you can leave him on the right part of the screen and than every time you enter that room from any entrance, he will make one step forward and eventually on the button :)

Level 4: Not sure if that should be called a trick, but it's certainly unusual move.

Level 5: You can't take that potion.It's intended to give you Deja Vu with blue potions from previous level and make you poison yourself 3:)
Loose floors above pillars are intended.

Level 6: You actually managed to take the potions and get out of there alive!?

EDIT: Oh, I see.You made Shadow kill itself by repeating jumps...
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Re: Story retold - Harder, faster, smarter

Post by Norbert »

Tolle wrote:Level 6: You actually managed to take the potions and get out of there alive!?

EDIT: Oh, I see.You made Shadow kill itself by repeating jumps...
The shadow returns to his original position when you re-enter the room, even if you killed it.
To re-open the gate after obtaining the life potions, make a running jump to the left in the row above the shadow.
To quote from this document: "The player's four­-tile jump can be in any row and should end on one of the first five tiles from the left."
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Re: Story retold - Harder, faster, smarter

Post by David »

Tolle wrote:I didn't touch demo level :)
The kid starts at a different place than the original. Maybe you changed it accidentally.
Tolle wrote: Level 3: If you have trouble luring skeleton onto the button conventional way, I think you can leave him on the right part of the screen and than every time you enter that room from any entrance, he will make one step forward and eventually on the button :)
Thanks, I will try it.
(I remember I saw this bug in other mods.)
Tolle wrote: Level 5: You can't take that potion.It's intended to give you Deja Vu with blue potions from previous level and make you poison yourself 3:)
Ohh... Yes, I tried the blue potions when I first got there.
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Re: Story retold - Harder, faster, smarter

Post by David »

I tried that level 3 trick. It works, the kid has to be in the same row as the skeleton.

I finally finished level 7.
Level 8: Has a gate puzzle with many run-jumps.
Once the level door is open, you can't do anything but wait for the mouse.
Level 9: Two gate puzzles. The first uses broken room links, the second has chompers.
There are upside-down potions at annoying places (her I would press shift).
If I go right at the exit door, the kid just disappears. (room 0)
I have to close a gate on a guard, as on level 2.
Level 10: Very long. I have to go long ways just to press a button. (But all buttons are in the same room!)
It's so long that a gate would close in that time, so the level has instead... stuck chompers!
The first half has no pillars, loose floors, broken floors, torches or spikes. So it looks a bit empty.
I did not finish this level yet.
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Re: Story retold - Harder, faster, smarter

Post by Tolle »

You should look level 10 as a ventilation shaft of the palace :D
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Re: Story retold - Harder, faster, smarter

Post by Razor20 »

I really like your mod. Sometimes it's very tricky, for example I first have to make mistakes in order to understand how to act rightly ;) You designed it very interstingly, currently I'm stuck at the last level. In my opinion, there are way too many chompers, I can't cope with them until now :( But I won't give up that easily :D Although only 8 minutes are left haha
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Re: Story retold - Harder, faster, smarter

Post by Tolle »

Thanks for playing :)

About those chompers, just focus on the closest one and start running as it connects.You should run through all of them without a scratch :)
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Re: Story retold - Harder, faster, smarter

Post by yourantumayel69 »

Enjoyable, but I cannot play yet😒😒😒
If possible, I suggest Yura or Amogh Datar to try it:
EDIT: Yura and Amogh Datar, are you ready it?🤣🤣🤣
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Re: Story retold - Harder, faster, smarter

Post by atrueprincefanfrom18 »

yourantumayel69 wrote: December 12th, 2020, 4:01 pm [...]
If possible, I suggest Yura or Amogh Datar to try it: [...]
EDIT: Yura and Amogh Datar, are you ready it?🤣🤣🤣
I'm playing this right now, but can't guarantee anything when I will upload. See my signature.
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Re: Story retold - Harder, faster, smarter

Post by atrueprincefanfrom18 »

On request of Youran: ;)

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Re: Story retold - Harder, faster, smarter

Post by atrueprincefanfrom18 »

Level 2:

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Re: Story retold - Harder, faster, smarter

Post by YURA »

and on the site of this Mod isn't it?!
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Re: Story retold - Harder, faster, smarter

Post by atrueprincefanfrom18 »

YURA wrote: December 12th, 2020, 8:41 pm and on the site of this Mod isn't it?!
Yes, it is on the site...

Level 3, very mazy and confusing!

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