Staff wanted for a BIG project

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Staff wanted for a BIG project

Post by OrSpeeder »

I want to making a BIG project, that will alter ANYTHING, including the music (the sounds no, because they are cool :D )

I am making the story, and the dungeon levels (i do not know if i will make the palace levels)

And this is needed: New dungeon graphics (if no-one help, i will use the steven one, but i want make graphics better than the programmer graphics in the post about the new mod :D )
New palace graphics (the same as above)
New chara graphics (i will post later what graphics i need for the history)
A way to put a new music in the game (adapt the already done music, or just put in the game if it is ready, the music is the Stones music, from ultima, to place in the main title, because i will make a plataform Ultima game)
I want to make a commercial quality game because i will sell it, but i will put it in gpl :D (like linux, i want to sell it for a low price, just to distribute the game without payng for the 1.44 disks, i will buy the disks and sell the game for a little higher price than a disk) because here many peaple do not have internet, and some peaple sell free things from internet without tolding who is the author, and without the advice of the author (this was happed to me) so i will sell first, and put in the credits this site, the peaple that resolve to help me, me (of course), and www, (the site from i get the ideia for making the game)

The game will be called "Ultima: Deceit" and the theme will be the dungeon deceit, from the ultima series, again, it will be a kidnapping, and even the bugs of the game help with the atmosphere (for example when a guard fall from screen it do not apear in the other screen, deceit is a dungeon of iliusions, so this help :D )

Bad char : Neira (the queen of the necromancers) will use a black robe, you can only see the hooded robe, and her hand wielding the sword (i get this char from the original series)
Kidnapped char: Mariah (i was never seen her, but she lives near the dungeon in series, and is a potential target, so i will make some searches about her later)
Name of the hero: Avatar (like in the ultima series, it do not have a name, it is you :D in the series the ideia is that avatar is you, so usually you can costumise him, but when the memory or other tecnical reasons threatens the game, avatar usualy looks like prince :D, also it will wear a BlackRock armor, is a armor made of a blackstone, that blocks magic, because Avatar can cast magic, this will make him looks more cool, and solve the tecnical problem because you cannot put spells in the game, but if someone here knows how to put some spells, it can use a normal armor, because Blackrock is a magic isolant )
Changes in the guards:
Skeletons: do not change, deceit is a dungeon about undeads (neira is a necromancer...)
Fat guard: I will turn it in a undead (possibly a ghost warrior, because zombies in ultima are ugly, and wimpy and idiot to kill, and the fat guard is strong)
Normal guards: Not decided yet, possibly humans guard or undead humans (nott zombies, put then like vampires, humans with a white skin)

So this is i want, if someone wants help me, my mail is , i use the nicknames Speeder (OrSpeeder mean Original Speeder :D ) Shadow, and Ying Zi

Search about Ultima in and wikipedia :D

Thanks :D
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Post by poirot »

I don't have much time, but count me in ;)

Post by Guest »

I have made a site to the project, look it: it is a alpha site (is this possible???)

Another thing, the forum here is buggy, i tryed 8 times to log on, and i surrender, so i decided to post as anonymous again, i tryed to reply 15 times (all the times apear the message about a critical error conecting the data base)
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Post by poirot »

yes, I hope it was a temporary database bug in sourceforge
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Post by darthmarsden »

Unfortunately I'm too busy to really help out, but if you want to use any of my graphics, then feel free. And the very best of luck, I hope you get there in the end.
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Post by OrSpeeder »

I need new graphics, one like de 2005 one from steve... but it is very buggy, and is not in the atmosphere (because the runic decoration, and the pallete)
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Post by darthmarsden »

Hmm. I see what you mean. Wish I could help. I can, however, give you one bit of advice.

It is very difficult, if not nigh-on impossible, to edit the VPalace pallete.

Believe me, I know :wink:.
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Post by OrSpeeder »

Is because the entire game is in a dungeon, so the palace tiles need to be dungeoned (i do now know how yet...)
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Post by darthmarsden »

Ah, I see.

I'll tell you what. I've got a bit of time free at the moment - I'll have a play around and see what I can do. Might not come to anything, but we'll see. :wink:
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Post by poirot »

I've told steven to check this thread, when he has some time he will
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Post by OrSpeeder »

u are fast, i was thinking to ask you to ask him :D
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Post by poirot »

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Post by OrSpeeder »

Huh... Ultima Deceit is gone...


Why? It is simple: I was moving backups around, when I deleted all backups to write them again, but as soon as I deleted them I dropped my HD on the ground... WHAAAA...

I killed my HD... (he is now broken because of the impact...)

So, all files are gone x.x
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Re: Staff wanted for a BIG project

Post by OrSpeeder »


I decided that this project is now REALLY OFFICIALLY killed...

Reason: I decided to forever stop using other people IP while making games...

When I joined these forums back on 2005, I was still on school, doing games as a hobby stuff... Now I am nearly finishing my Game Design Bachelor Degree, and I am a professional game developer... I learned a lot... And I must say: Invent your own IP! It may become really intersting and precious to you (and your fans!).
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Re: Staff wanted for a BIG project

Post by mk1995 »

I could help with palace level design. You just scrabble the estimated design on a sheet of paper, scan it, send it to me and I'll work on the levels.
Just to make something clear: I will not reply to daft PMs like "Where can I find X?" or "Can you give me a link to Y?". Most of your questions are likely answerable if only you took your bloody time to look through these forums and use Google if all else fails. Sheesh...
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