Prince Of written in C#

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Prince Of written in C#

Post by polipo »

i'm developing the .net porting of the famous Prince Of Persia 1 (Pc Dos Version)

For more information see :

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Re: Prince Of written in C#

Post by Norbert »

Good luck!

I don't know if you plan to use the original DAT files and if you plan to implement fighting guards, but you may want to check out the following files/documents: ... ifications ... cialEvents
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Re: Prince Of written in C#

Post by polipo »

for now i don't use the original .dat file because i will develop/test all program engine.

For now i have implemented a simple contruction kit based on txt file like this, the first room of the first level example:

Code: Select all

1 = starting ponit
. = space
#= std floor
W = wall
G = florr and colum


Code: Select all

 tags in the above example to make it align, so one can see it better. -mk1995[/i][/color]

I like this semplicity  anyone can make and personalize every room and every level with notepad.

In the future when the engine will be complete, i will think for implement the original dat file..

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Re: Prince Of written in C#

Post by David »

I opened the github link ( but all I can find is some *.sln and .git* files. These are not enough to compile the game. You need to upload all the folders that are in the same folder as your *.sln files.
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Re: Prince Of written in C#

Post by polipo »

Yes my error, now you can download the project... is 1 month old.. i think to upload a new version as soon...
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Re: Prince Of written in C#

Post by Norbert »

Could be useful to also provide an .EXE file, for those of us who, for whatever reason(s), are unable to compile your code but would still like to follow your progress.
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Re: Prince Of written in C#

Post by polipo »

The setup of the Pop.Net can be download from the blog at

This setup use clickonce tecnology after installed every time start check a new version and download it from repository...

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Re: post suggestions here

Post by Norbert »

David wrote:
Norbert wrote:
polipo wrote:PS
What do you think about ?
Well, I added it to here on January 5, 2013.
Also, I tried running it, as I wrote here; I'm a Linux user, it didn't work for me.
Erm... your links point to PoP1 Studio, but I think he meant Prince Of written in C#.
You're right, I mixed the two up. They are both .NET/C# applications. When I think .NET/C#, I think: unportable, proprietary framework/language that only has a full implementation on Windows because of patents and whatnot. Also, Microsoft is known for abandoning its products, and they come up with their own versions of stuff and then change it or lock it down, things like that. Better if DirectX and Metro and all that stuff just dies.

polipo, I suggested here that you could put up an EXE file. Unfortunately, I still cannot find an EXE file or package on your website. On the top of the website, there's only a link back to the main page, some text and a search field. On the top right a subscribe thing and a feed. On the lower right is Google Feedback. I looked through plenty of posts, but where's the EXE file or package? If you want people to check out your work, I really think you should make the download link more prominent.
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Setup for Prince of

Post by polipo »

Dear Norbert,
I have changed blog's them because the section links was a dynamic menù (sometime invisible), now is fixed on the right border of the main page, i post here the link of the download page: ... pplication

after download the application run it, require 4.0 and xna package.
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Re: Setup for Prince of

Post by Norbert »

polipo wrote:I have changed blog's them because the section links was a dynamic menù (sometime invisible), now is fixed on the right border of the main page, [...]
Better like this, I think. :)
polipo wrote:[...], i post here the link of the download page: ... pplication

after download the application run it, require 4.0 and xna package.
Can you create a tutorial on how to start your application?
Do we need to download this?
Should we install Microsoft Visual Studio 2010?
Is there any way you can create an EXE file from your project?
That .application file seems to be an XML file or some sort...
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Re: Prince Of written in C#

Post by David »

programmer wrote:I can't neither use the ClickOnce version (it installs, but it won't launch, just shows the verifying window and quits)
I've looked into the installer, and I found something that seems to tell where is the game downloaded from.
It contains the following line:

Code: Select all

<dependentAssembly dependencyType="install" codebase="Application Files\PrinceOfPersia_1_0_0_81\PrinceOfPersia.exe.manifest" size="94519">
It looks like a relative path to me.
Combined with the path of the installer ( ... pplication), it gives this: ... e.manifest

Judging from some random *.application files (, this seems to be the method for locating the manifest (which in turn gives the location of the other files), but the above link leads to an error message: "Project Security Error".
programmer wrote:nor compile it from source, getting only this
The ends of some lines can't be seen on this image, could you possibly copy the text and paste it here?
Also, did you install XNA? If not, it might be the cause of the problem.
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Re: Prince Of written in C#

Post by polipo »

Hello All,
thanks to all for test my, I FOUND the problem of the setup installation.
I use Windows 8 with Visual Studio 2010 develop environment, XNA doen't work perfectly and during the setup/pubblish of the ClickOnce the program doesn't include
the ESSENTIAL xna framework (is a prerequisited).
For RUN the Prince of you MUST download and install manually the XNA framework ridistributable package found at: ... x?id=20914

same problem when you try to compile the source YOU MUST have the XNA Game Studio 4.0 downlodable at ... x?id=23714

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Re: Prince Of written in C#

Post by Norbert »

programmer wrote:
…it just hates me
Maybe just install the "Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable" that polipo mentioned.
I managed to install that one under Wine (with "wine start xnafx40_redist.msi").

All polipo will need to do is open his project in XNA Game Studio and then from the Build menu select "Build Solution".
That should create the files required to make the project run on other computers in the output directory of his project.
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Re: post suggestions here

Post by polipo »

I have see only now, some post from Norbert and programmer, they have some difficult to start
For programmer, i'm developing on Windows 8 pro and visual studio 2010 and 2012, i have replaced xna with monogame because Microsoft dont support a umore this beatifull library.. So monogame have can be' used for port the game on android or Apple and UNIX ...
I love click once tecnology for the simple update mechnanism but i dont love our low control flow on install process..

Please try another time to install and send me an email or Message i m very happy to help you.. Bye

[Edit: I've moved your post from the apoplexy thread to this thread. --Norbert]
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Re: Prince Of written in C#

Post by Norbert »

How is your project going?
I noticed a recent post on your website that says PoP Dot Net is now an "Open Project" and that you are looking for help?
Are there any particular things that appear to be difficult to implement?
Maybe the room-drawing code (by David) can give you pointers, or code from FreePrince?
See also the PoP1 Technical Information.
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