Disassemblies of PoP1

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The Prince of Persia
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Disassemblies of PoP1

Post by David »

Here is a newer disassembly of PoP1 1.0 and a disassembly of PoP1 1.4.
(The older 1.0 disassembly is here: viewtopic.php?p=11347#p11347)
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The Prince of Persia
The Prince of Persia
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Re: Disassemblies of PoP1 1.0 and 1.4

Post by David »

Here is the newest disassembly of PoP1 1.0.
It's mostly in sync with my conversion.
But the biggest change is that you can see the hex codes on the left side, so you can search for them in the exe with a hex-editor.
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The Prince of Persia
The Prince of Persia
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Re: Disassemblies of PoP1 1.0 and 1.4

Post by David »

Here are the newest disassemblies of 1.0, 1.3, and 1.4.
Also includes a utility to remove some irrelevant parts from the disassembly, for easier comparison.
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Wise Scribe
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Re: Disassemblies of PoP1 1.0 and 1.4

Post by Andrew »

David wrote:Also includes a utility to remove some irrelevant parts from the disassembly, for easier comparison.
Useful, and while I assume anyone interested in the disassemblies will be competent enough to know this, still might help to mention that Python is required to run that script.

P.S. font.idc is missing from pop13_ida.zip, but of course it's the same as in the other archives so not a big deal.
The Prince of Persia
The Prince of Persia
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Re: Disassemblies of PoP1

Post by David »

Here are the .map files made along with the disassemblies.
They tell where each segment starts, and show the addresses corresponding to each identifier.
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Re: Disassemblies of PoP1

Post by FluffyQuack »

I stumbled on something interesting. There's this pre-release build of Sands of Time on PS2 (I think it's a preview build that was sent to the press): https://hiddenpalace.org/Prince_of_Pers ... prototype)

It includes debug symbols and, since Sands of Time has Mac POP1 as a bonus, there are debug symbols for POP1 too!

The information it includes is function names, global variable names, and it also includes a list of complete source filepaths each function belongs to. There's a Ghidra plugin you can download for importing PS2 executables and debug symbols: https://github.com/chaoticgd/ghidra-emo ... e-reloaded

This would be great for reverse-engineering the game... but, well, that's not needed since that's with done with SDLPoP! But still, it's interesting to see how everything was named and structured.

Unfortunately, as this is the PS2 version of Sands of Time, there's nothing related to POP2 here.
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