Joining here since I need some help getting POP3D up and running in Win98. Used to play this game when I was younger and recently purchased an old Win98 computer to get back into the nostalgia with some old games.
Unfortunately, when entering the game, there seems to be some sort of black box glitch in the game, as if the graphics aren't fully loaded. As soon as I start walking, I disappear into this void. I've added a video here: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/yG0m_GYdLbs
I've installed the game from the original CD and also applied the v1.01 patch (ensured it was in the correct Directory, and not the Windows directory), but no luck.. Rayman 2 (also a 3D game), works fine.
Specs of the computer:
- Windows 98SE
- SIS 6326 graphics card
Any thoughts for a fix? Let me know if you need any additional info and thanks in advance!