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how did you like the new Prince of Persia?

Posted: March 8th, 2009, 8:28 pm
by Veke
There was no forum for this game, so I just decided to dump this topic right here... as soon as a subforum is made, please move this. :P

Talk about the new one made by Ubisoft Montreal Studio. I've seen this game get quite good reviews, but most casual people appear to think that it's sh*t compared to what the previous ones were, criticizing often the slow combat, Elika getting in your way, the impossibility to die and the easiness. I haven't *yet* played the game, I still have to wait until I get my new PC parts installed so it works :P Anyone who has played the game post your opinions here.

Re: how did you like the new Prince of Persia?

Posted: March 11th, 2009, 10:38 pm
by virumor
Haven't played it yet, and frankly, this game doesn't interest me at all. From what I've heard and read, it's pathetically easy & short. Can't see myself playing it anytime soon either... waiting for Dragon Age: Origins here. :twisted:

Re: how did you like the new Prince of Persia?

Posted: March 14th, 2009, 8:05 pm
by Morbid_Assasin
I've played.Like the design but don't like that it's too short, the screen turning b&w when you're about to die and other stuff.Still...I think its a good game.Worth a try, at least.
P.S.: get ready because it eats up a lot of space (almost 8 GB to be precise).

Re: how did you like the new Prince of Persia?

Posted: March 27th, 2009, 12:20 am
by Rick
I played it and found it sorely lacking. Prince of Persia is all about speed. You make daring leaps over vast chasms, sprint narrowly around deadly traps, and deal with armed enemies as fast as humanly possible. The whole game should feel like breathless sprinting.

The new Prince doesn't do this at all. Every mistake you make is instantly wiped away. The battles are needlessly long and dull.

Mirror's Edge is what the new Prince should be. Look at how the game feels and what you actually do in it. High-speed platforming? Check. Death always just an inch away? Check. Fights that should never last more than a few seconds? Check. Priority on getting from point A to point B in as little time as possible? You know it. That's the game I've loved for the last 20 years.

Also, the new Prince of Persia had all these bugs. Like when I left the big temple at the beginning of the game, it didn't load the landscape around me, so I was perpetually falling into a void and had to reset the game. Come on, guys. I shouldn't be able to find a show-stopping bug in the first ten minutes without even trying to break anything.

Re: how did you like the new Prince of Persia?

Posted: March 27th, 2009, 2:08 pm
by Veke
Rick wrote: Mirror's Edge is what the new Prince should be. Look at how the game feels and what you actually do in it.
I agree, that's exactly what I've thought.

Re: how did you like the new Prince of Persia?

Posted: March 27th, 2009, 9:34 pm
by virumor
Rick wrote:Mirror's Edge is what the new Prince should be. Look at how the game feels and what you actually do in it. High-speed platforming? Check. Death always just an inch away? Check. Fights that should never last more than a few seconds? Check. Priority on getting from point A to point B in as little time as possible? You know it. That's the game I've loved for the last 20 years.
Agreed on all points, but I'll add something: no first-person Prince of Persia! ;)

Re: how did you like the new Prince of Persia?

Posted: May 16th, 2009, 12:02 pm
by Veke
Well, I finished the game. It was good fun, though easy. Also, quite quickly finished after you get all the powers. You can't simply be ok with the ending. You either love it or hate it. I hated it. I'll give this game 4/5.

And now, on to waiting for the sequel...

Re: how did you like the new Prince of Persia?

Posted: May 20th, 2009, 7:46 pm
by John Wain
I can't play it, as my computer is not performant enough. However my cousin gave it a try and did not finish because his computer, though better than mine, still lagged big time when fighting monsters. However I was told about the joke in the beginning with "Farah" being a donkey... that is a bit too much on Ubisoft, but I can take it... :D

Re: how did you like the new Prince of Persia?

Posted: May 27th, 2009, 1:31 am
by Necdilzor
I would hate to play a first person prince of persia. :?

Re: how did you like the new Prince of Persia?

Posted: October 12th, 2009, 9:37 pm
by n00blord
Blah, this is terrible :S Just finished it :S OMG!!! The game is beautiful, but why, WHY DID THEY HAVE TO DIE? Graphics are somehow like a flash cartoon, its nice, though, combats r so poor... IMAO... I played it on PC and if I am not mistaken it has less features than on XBOX and PS for example, and in my opinion that's not enough... Fighting was much better on T2T and WW, I expected many more combos, dual sword battle etc, and I got some "press the thing shown" thing and few boring combos with amazing animations... Those power plates were nice thing though, it's fun running over the walls and flying through the ruins, and his gauntlet thing was nice too... Few puzzles, not very funny cheats (like swordfish, teddy bear, hockey stick etc used to be), and stupid collecting of those balls -.- Now I hate it because I expected that it's going to be continued, and what chances r for that if Ahriman destroyed the world after that selfish act of prince -.- Blah...

Re: how did you like the new Prince of Persia?

Posted: October 18th, 2009, 7:42 am
by Cooldude
i duuno i played sum on ma frndz PC buh was laggin!!!it's good but combat mode was confusin!!!!!and i am bk afta a long tym hope ull remember me?????i couldnt post any on the popuw cause i neva owned any of the games!!!!and do they die in the end?

Re: how did you like the new Prince of Persia?

Posted: October 18th, 2009, 9:06 am
by Veke
No, they didn't die. And please try to write in a more understandable way.

Re: how did you like the new Prince of Persia?

Posted: November 3rd, 2009, 6:46 pm
by eni-7
I guess it was ok.....The graphics were defenitely better than the SOT trilogy but they couldn't capture its essence.I hope to make a second game related to the storyline of this one but to attract all the hardcore fans of the SOT trilogy because i believe most of us were a bit dissapointed and expected a better result after 3 years waiting........ :roll:

Re: how did you like the new Prince of Persia?

Posted: November 4th, 2009, 4:59 pm
by Tristan
its the nummer 2 on best pop (say i)

my best pop :

Re: how did you like the new Prince of Persia?

Posted: November 4th, 2009, 7:17 pm
by eni-7
tristan1993 wrote:its the nummer 2 on best pop (say i)

my best pop :
Why The Two Thrones is SO underrated ???? :? Personally is my favorite one...