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POP2 animation script tool

Posted: May 29th, 2023, 8:35 pm
by FluffyQuack
I made a tool that can extract the SEQUENCE.DAT file from POP2, convert the contents into a text file with all animation scripts in text form, and repack modified animation scripts back into a new SEQUENCE.DAT.

Here's an example what the generated text file looks like:

You can edit the data however you like: change script commands, add new ones, remove existing ones, etc. It might even be possible to add all-new animation scripts (note that a name always has to start with a unique number), though I'm not sure if there's much point in doing that since we can't easily modify the gameplay logic.

Some notes:
  • Animation scripts are executed instantly with the exception of the "ShowFrame" command. The game will always wait one gameplay tick after each "ShowFrame" command.
  • Some commands have unknown usage. Though, I suspect UnknownOp23 means looping the current active frame.
  • I've made the tool automatically assign names to a bunch of the animations that I was able to identify, but most of them will only be a number.
If anyone ends up experimenting with this and map out unknown data, then let me know. When I say unknown data I mean figuring out what the unknown animations correspond to, what the unknown commands do, and what the various PlaySound IDs sounds are.

Download and usage information:

Video showcase:

Re: POP2 animation script tool

Posted: May 29th, 2023, 9:12 pm
by Norbert
Nice to see PoP2 get some attention.

Re: POP2 animation script tool

Posted: May 30th, 2023, 12:12 am
by FluffyQuack
I went ahead and mapped out the various sound IDs referenced in animation scripts (with the exception of ID 2, that's not referenced in animations).

0 = Silent?
1 = Footstep
2 = Tile crashing on the ground
18 = Drinking sound "Glug glug glug"
19 = Unsheathe sword
22 = Sound when tapping ceiling when jumping up
25 = Guard screaming as he falls off a ledge
44 = Sound when falling into quicksand
75 = Skeleton rising up from its dead state
76 = Skeleton rattling while it's staying dead
88 = The head enemy's death scream
89 = The head enemy's bite sound
193 = Some kind of "whoosh" sound. Sounds almost magical
195 = Some kind of clang sound. Sounds like a metal object hitting the ground
197 = A "wet" sound of something breaking followed by a short "whoosh" sound
256 = Two short "whoosh" sounds in quick succession
257 = Metal clang sound immediately followed by a magical-esque "whoosh" sound
261 = Magical-esque sound. Very likely the sound of the "disappear" spell by fake Prince
271 = Silent?