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Alpha Testers

Posted: May 16th, 2003, 8:04 am
Here Alpha testers can post limitations on the code, suggestions, etc so we can fix bugs and improve the features.

Download <a href=>Alpha test version</a> here!!!
(I've improved a bit the download system)

[Editado el 17/5/2003 por poirot]

Posted: May 16th, 2003, 5:01 pm
by Thraka
This is what I picked up yesterday, I'll be doing more debugging today :)
1) After closing a loaded level, When you click NEW that level will be reloaded as if it was a new level

2) The first level you get when you open the program seems uneditable ??

3) After loading levels.dat, no way to change between levels?

4) After loading levels.dat, first level seems un-editable in parts? (Bottom and Right area of the map)

5) File Open Dialog, the setting FILES OF TYPE, defaults, and when set to: Prince of Persia Map Data (*.dat, *.ped); shows no files for me.
My dos files are all caps, I don't know if that matters

6) ZOOM TOOL - When zooming out you cannot go from 50% to 20% like you can with just choosing it from the VIEW -> ZOOM menu

7) Shortcut key (ALT + S) Shares functions with MAP TOOLS->SELECT and ADDONS->EDIT SAVED GAME

8) If you open a whole bunch of NEW levels (from 20 - 40) and close a bunch, if you create say 10 new ones you'll get blank levels
with corruption in them. Sometimes if you close the program down with these levels loaded, you get a memory reference(leak) error.
Hard to follow I know but reproducing seems easy everytime

9) These shortcut keys will not work (They will not do the function, but you can click it in the menus, it will work)
VIEW->Status Bar ALT+1

10) These Functions do not work at all
FILE-> SaveAs
Export To Image
EDIT-> Undo
MAPTOOLS-> OBJECTS-> Start Position
Debug Position

Big Window
Big Column



DEBUG-> Execute Prince Of Persia

11) Status bar does not respond when NUMLOCK/CAPSLOCK/SCROLLLOCK are toggled on/off

[Editado el 21/5/2003 por poirot]

Posted: May 17th, 2003, 5:07 am
by poirot
Good work, let's analyse the bugs in Alpha 6:

1) After closing a loaded level, When you click NEW that level will be reloaded as if it was a new level
Interesting fact, some memory was not freed (it happens when the maps class is destroyed only)

2) The first level you get when you open the program seems uneditable ??
It wasn't programed, I have to make a template levels.dat for this case

3) After loading levels.dat, no way to change between levels?
PageUp/PageDown (I'll have to advice that in some place)

4) After loading levels.dat, first level seems un-editable in parts? (Bottom and Right area of the map)
Yes, the add/rem screens were implemented this pronlem won't happen

5) File Open Dialog, the setting FILES OF TYPE, defaults, and when set to: Prince of Persia Map Data (*.dat, *.ped); shows no files for me.
My dos files are all caps, I don't know if that matters
Interesting bug

6) ZOOM TOOL - When zooming out you cannot go from 50% to 20% like you can with just choosing it from the VIEW -> ZOOM menu

7) Shortcut key (ALT + S) Shares functions with MAP TOOLS->SELECT and ADDONS->EDIT SAVED GAME
It is my Fault, I'll fix it as soon as possible :) Good testing

8) If you open a whole bunch of NEW levels (from 20 - 40) and close a bunch, if you create say 10 new ones you'll get blank levels
with corruption in them. Sometimes if you close the program down with these levels loaded, you get a memory reference(leak) error.
Hard to follow I know but reproducing seems easy everytime
The same problem, the memory was not freed correctly

9) These shortcut keys will not work (They will not do the function, but you can click it in the menus, it will work)
VIEW->Status Bar ALT+1
I'll correct it

10) These Functions do not work at all
FILE-> SaveAs
Export To Image
EDIT-> Undo
MAPTOOLS-> OBJECTS-> Start Position
Debug Position

Big Window
Big Column



DEBUG-> Execute Prince Of Persia
Never programed, I used Execute Prince Of Persia to place testing code there :)

11) Status bar does not respond when NUMLOCK/CAPSLOCK/SCROLLLOCK are toggled on/off
Ok, we'll fix it

Posted: May 17th, 2003, 5:19 am
by poirot
Any suggestions about the addons shortcuts, because all the items had or have comflicts with other items?
is Shift+1, Shift+2, Shift+3 and Shift+4 ok?

Posted: May 17th, 2003, 4:18 pm
by Floriam
Hello poirot
i am back in vienna
i cant answer your letter because i had to camp a week with my schoolmates.
now i ll translate further, download your Alpha 6 and report

Posted: May 18th, 2003, 1:42 pm
by poirot
Hi Floriam, wellcome back!

People: Alpha 7 is now in the site, there ir only one visible improvement: the start position. The other (and non visible) improvement is the new maps library code (a bit faster). Toolbars are not included yet, but they will.
We are working in the posted bugs too :)

Posted: May 20th, 2003, 9:54 pm
by Thraka
Is the placing of players/guards broken? And same with editing of properties? (What type of potion, what switch triggers what door.. so on)

What I'll do is after I'm done retesting the bugs I posted, The ones not fixed I'll keep and add anything new. And as each release goes by, I'll remove as they get fixed but it will enable us to keep track of any missing features not implimented. Does that sound ok?

Posted: May 20th, 2003, 10:32 pm
by Thraka

1) If you cannot edit the default level that is loaded on startup, then it should not load for now. (Func: #1)

2) Need a way to distiguish between editable screens and uneditable screens (Func: #2)

3) File Open Dialog, the setting FILES OF TYPE, defaults, and when set to: Prince of Persia Map Data (*.dat, *.ped); it will
show ped files but not dat files

4) ZOOM TOOL - When zooming out you cannot go from 50% to 20% like you can with just choosing it from the VIEW -> ZOOM menu

5) Shortcut key (ALT + S) Shares functions with MAP TOOLS->SELECT and ADDONS->EDIT SAVED GAME

6) These shortcut keys will not work (They will not do the function, but you can click it in the menus, it will work)
VIEW->Status Bar ALT+1

7) These Functions do not work at all
FILE-> SaveAs
Export To Image
EDIT-> Undo
MAPTOOLS-> OBJECTS-> Start Position
Debug Position

Big Window
Big Column




DEBUG-> Execute Prince Of Persia

8) Status bar does not respond when NUMLOCK/CAPSLOCK/SCROLLLOCK are toggled on/off

Missing Functionality:

1) The first level you get when you open the program is not editable (It is restricted to LEVELS.DAT only)

2) Ability to add/remove screens on a level

PS: Are their more graphics to be ripped from the original? Because I can try and work on that if you want?

Posted: May 21st, 2003, 2:38 am
by poirot
[quote]What I'll do is after I'm done retesting the bugs I posted, The ones not fixed I'll keep and add anything new. And as each release goes by, I'll remove as they get fixed but it will enable us to keep track of any missing features not implimented. Does that sound ok?[/quote]

Yes, please :) it sounds perfect

Alpha 7 didn't fix all the bugs, but instead it was added the start position.

I hope alpha 8 have Screen Add/Remove and Shortcut bug fixed.

Posted: May 21st, 2003, 2:41 am
by poirot
I've added you in my Trillian. Please tell me the city/Country where you live for the credits.

Posted: May 21st, 2003, 12:45 pm
by poirot
[quote]PS: Are their more graphics to be ripped from the original? Because I can try and work on that if you want?

We ripped all the images except the animations:
<li>green, blue and red potions

Posted: May 22nd, 2003, 3:59 pm
by Guest
don't forget the MIRROR from level 5 :)

Posted: May 25th, 2003, 10:31 pm
by poirot
It is in Level 4. I made some primitives to edit the Mirror screen, however editing the mirror position in the screen could be impossible to do without editing prince.exe file. The same happens with the skelleton (3), the shadow (5, 6 and 12)and the mouse (8).

Posted: May 27th, 2003, 9:52 pm
by Floriam
no problem the shadow is boring
thats not important
the most important thing is that this editor works without mirror skelleton and mouse.
you can do this in PV4.

Posted: May 27th, 2003, 9:55 pm
by Floriam
i cant figure out how to change the level.