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Posted: September 25th, 2003, 1:04 am
by ecco
Has anyone been able to compile the vdungeon.dat yet? The file size only seems to be about 8bytes for some reason, and the game doesn't work with the new vdungeon. Is this just an area that still needs to be fixed or is it just me?
I'm keen to get editing with the graphics.

Poirot- I've done some more levels- I'll email them to you soon if you want- - but no doors work or anything. I haven't figured out how to edit the start positions with the extension download either.

Posted: September 25th, 2003, 8:01 am
by poirot
I'm very bussy this semester, but we are working (slowly) in PV3. I think PV3 will come out for the end of the year. After that We'll start the development of a new pop game engine.

The last PR version (which I've never published due to many crach errors I have to fix) could extract the .dat to bmp and import again the files to the .dat. The problem is in the game: it only supports a bit memory and oue new graphics may need more memory than the replaced images, in that case the whole screen level where this graphic appears is displayed with trashed pixels and wrong colors. I hope I can solve this problem, but I want to finish PV3 first.

About the levels, yes send them! :)

Posted: September 25th, 2003, 12:38 pm
by ecco
No problem them. Is it worth editing the little fiddly graphics images now anyway for when they can be successfully compiled? If that's the only way to change them I'll do so-, or if there's going to a more efficient way i'll wait. I think i read somewhere that was going to be the case, but i'm not sure where the comment was.
Looking forward to be able to change start and end doors as well as working trigger panels too.

I'v only done the first 7 levels, I'll try and finish them soon- before i send them. Hopefully today at earliest (if i don't do anything that I'm supposed to be doing instead :D)

Posted: September 26th, 2003, 12:22 am
by poirot
there are some interesting things in the alpha testing thread about adding guards and editing the start position :)

Posted: September 26th, 2003, 2:23 am
by ecco
I've just emailed a new set of levels to you at (hope that'sthe right address still). - including a pic illustrating intended door/trigger associations for level 9.

I made another comment about starting postions, I'd sent the email before i came here and read your comment (above) about interesting comments in the Alpha testing thread. I'm about to have a look now....
Let me know what you think of the levels.:)

Posted: September 26th, 2003, 5:24 am
by poirot
I've got the levels :) they are really cool, just like Mechner's (yes, Mechner designed himself pop1 levels, even in binary format!).

I'm starting to look at all PV3 sources we have, so we can finish PV3 as soon as possible, now we have lots of levels to compile/edit :)

Posted: September 28th, 2003, 1:48 pm
by ecco
I've started editing the graphics, and have been changing the little images to new ones (done the walls, pillars and some of the floors).

I then asked myself why not try and use the graphics from the SNES version of the game? So i started using them instead. It would take some time to go through and do all the images needed though.

However, would it be allowed? Or is it breaking the copyright issues of the game? If not- excellent- we can use their bricks etc, but if it is, no worries - we'll make our own custom gaphics (at least there'll be more variation)

In future will the editor be able to have more than the default two level styles (dungeon & palace), and have more levels like the Snes version? Hope so.

I have a pic I would post here- but Idon't know how.

Posted: September 28th, 2003, 1:58 pm
by ecco
Oh- I forgot to say- the graphics don't look too bad when reduced to 16 colours either (4-bit like the extracted ones are).

--- Also I forgot to say that with my new set of levels I sent you, if I've put two potions directly next to one another, it means there will/ should be a Big potion there.

---There are some random guards in walls and suspended in mid-air due to me changing the levels because I hadn't worked out how to get rid of them at the time. The same goes for the guard on the 1st screen of the 1st level. He shouldn't be there.

Posted: September 29th, 2003, 10:06 am
by poirot
remember that you have to use the same palette for all images, and reserve the first as transparent color (black).

I'm working in PV3 and some other surprises!! :)

Posted: September 29th, 2003, 11:20 am
by ecco
Using same palette like you said- it's had a negative impact as I would suspect, but it's still recognizable and looks different to normal. But seeing as I rushed it as a test only, it will look neater in future.

So how do I attach the image to this post? The picture button just puts in the words '[img][/img]' Or should I just email it to you (assuming you want to see it)?

Keep up the excellent work on PV3 and the surprises- whatever they may be....

Posted: September 30th, 2003, 12:31 am
by poirot
yes please send me the bitmaps so I can upload them to the home page and link them to the forum :)

Posted: September 30th, 2003, 4:32 pm
by Guest
How is PG Compression comming along?
Is there a working version available yet?
I can't wait to start placing my sprites into the game.

Posted: September 30th, 2003, 6:13 pm
by Guest
SKY050 : I applied vga palletes to some of the snes prites and was suprised at the (better than expected) results.

<IMG SRC=""> </IMG>

As you can see there was only a minor colour shift in the first few screens using a standard vga 16 colour pallete.
There was only a major shift when using an EGA 16 colour pallete set, but since were using vga this isn't really an issue.

Oh yeh i prefer if we create our own sprites and just use the snes version as a source of inspiration. Lets be original shall we. I'm currently adding to my current collection of custom made sprites incase you havn't seen the last posts here they are.

<IMG SRC=""> </IMG>


Posted: October 1st, 2003, 1:16 am
by freddytheking
Cool picturse anonymus I like them...

Posted: October 1st, 2003, 5:03 am
by poirot
really great! I think we'll have very cool designs in the next versions of the game! :)

You forgot to log in Trident, you can do it in the home page, and then you'll be logged in for some months.

Great works, congratulations!